世界品質のグランドハンドリング会社 World-quality ground handling company
成田国際空港 Narita International Airport
As an essential, functioning member of the airport.

INTEX was established in September 2010 as a member of the GR-TECH Group, a Narita International Airport-based ramp handling and cargo handling company with 50 years of experience in the field of air transport operations and ground handling.
Provide services with the aim of achieving world-class quality.
INTEX=INTERNATIONAL EXPERTという社名には国際的レベルの熟練者による世界品質のサービスを提供する企業となりたいという意味が込められています。

The company name INTEX = INTERNATIONAL EXPERT, which means that we want to be a company that provides world-quality services by internationally skilled people.

A mission that keeps us "safe", gives us "all we've got" and "challenges us".

We believe that our mission is "to meet the daily challenges of our customers by doing our utmost to meet their requirements, while giving top priority to the safety of our daily operations and operators".
「Unsung Hero = 縁の下の力持ち」として。
私達は「Unsung Hero=縁の下の力持ち」をキャッチコピーに掲げています。それは、お客様からは直接見えない仕事であったとしても、空港を支えるという矜持を持っているからです。

Our catchphrase is 'Unsung Hero = behind the scenes'. This is because we take pride in supporting the airport, even if our work is not directly visible to our customers.